We now have two ways to donate. You may make an online donation through PayPal by clicking on the button on the sidebar. When you give online your gift is not tax deductible because the account is not set up as a registered charity. It is just to expensive for us to go through the process of becoming a tax exempt organization when we have other options available.

You may still make a donation that is tax deductible by mailing a check made out to Winton Rd. First Church of God. Just make your check out to Winton Rd. First Church of God and write "Backpacks For Pine Ridge" in the memo section of the check. Our mailing address is:
Backpacks for Pine Ridge

You may still make a donation that is tax deductible by mailing a check made out to Winton Rd. First Church of God. Just make your check out to Winton Rd. First Church of God and write "Backpacks For Pine Ridge" in the memo section of the check. Our mailing address is:
Backpacks for Pine Ridge
6468 Kimberly Drive
Hamilton, OH 45011
Either way you choose to donate be assured that 100% of the money raised will go directly toward providing backpacks filled with school supplies to the Oglala Lakota Sioux children on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
Either way you choose to donate be assured that 100% of the money raised will go directly toward providing backpacks filled with school supplies to the Oglala Lakota Sioux children on the Pine Ridge Reservation.
We collect supplies/funds all year long.
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